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Terms of Use

These terms were last updated on and are effective as of 6/25/24.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this document, please contact us at (802)302-5022.

This contract covers the terms and conditions that apply to your use of all of the sites and services
owned or operated by the (pregnancy center name) and affiliated organizations and any other site
that we have owned or operated, do own and operate or may own, or operate in the future
(collectively, the "sites"). By using this website, you are agreeing to these terms.


Governing Law

The Terms of Use and Privacy Policy set forth in the sites is governed and interpreted under the
laws of the United States of America and the State of Vermont, without giving
effect to its conflicts of law’s provisions. If any portion is deemed unlawful, void, or
unenforceable, that part will be deemed severable and will not affect the validity and
enforceability of any remaining provisions. At our sole discretion, we can replace or amend such
provisions with another provision. This sets forth the entire understanding and agreement
between us with respect to the sites and any materials, communications, transmissions, or posting
to the sites.


Changes to the Terms


We reserve the right to revise the policy at any time by updating this posting. You agree to be
bound by any such revisions and should periodically read and review them. If we change our
policies, we will post those changes to this statement, the home page, and/or other places we
deem appropriate, so our users are always aware of what information we collect, how we use it,
and under what circumstances, if any, we disclose it.


Privacy Policy 


We are committed to protecting the privacy and security of the users of our sites. Please see our
privacy policy, which will advise you about how we protect your personal information and about
what choices you have concerning our use of such information. By using our sites, you consent to
processing your information as set forth in this Privacy Policy, now and as amended by us.


The services, products, and materials on this site are provided "as is" and without express or
implied warranties. We disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to
implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Neither we nor our
respective licensors or suppliers warrant that any functions contained in the sites will be
uninterrupted or error-free, that defects will be corrected, or that the sites or the server that makes
them available are free of viruses or other harmful components. Neither we nor our respective
licensors or suppliers warrant or make any representations regarding the use or the results of the
use of the services, products, or materials on this site in terms of their correctness, accuracy,
reliability, or otherwise. You (and not we or any of our respective licensors or suppliers) assume
the entire cost of all necessary servicing, repair, or correction to your system. Applicable law may
not allow the exclusion of implied warranties, so the above exclusion may not apply to you.

Limitation of Liability

Under no circumstances, including but not limited to negligence, will we or any of our licensors
or suppliers be liable for any special or consequential damages that result from the use of, or the
inability to use, the materials on the sites or any products or services provided pursuant to the
sites, even if advised of the possibility of such damages. Applicable law may not allow the
limitation or exclusion of liability or incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation
or exclusion may not apply to you. In no event shall the total liability to you by us or any of our
licensors or suppliers for all damages, losses, and causes of action (whether in contract, tort, or
otherwise) exceed the amount paid by you to us, if any, for accessing the sites.


The reference materials and information contained in the sites are intended only for your personal
information. We make no representations or warranties about the site’s content or the information
or other material accessed through the sites. Information Obtained Through the Sites Does Not
Constitute Medical, Legal, or Other Professional Advice.


You agree to defend, indemnify, and hold our organization and all our affiliates, employees,
directors, officers, agents, material or communication providers, and internet service providers
harmless from any and all losses, liabilities, claims, expenses, and damage awards, including, but
not limited to attorneys’ fees, that arise from any claim, action, or demand, by your use of or in
connection with submission, transmission, posting, broadcast, or other communication with or to
the sites.

The information contained on these sites or transmitted to you electronically in response to a
message from you is not intended nor implied to constitute medical advice, diagnosis, or
treatment. Always visit or speak to a qualified health service provider in person before starting
any new treatment or with any questions regarding a medical condition. These sites do not
directly or indirectly practice medicine or dispense medical advice as part of this service. In
addition, nothing contained in these sites is intended to be or constitutes legal advice, and users
should always seek the advice of an appropriate attorney or other professional regarding
individual questions or concerns of a legal or professional nature. We assume no liability for any
diagnosis, treatment, decision made, or action taken in reliance upon information contained in
these sites or any other internet sites linked to it in any way.


These terms and conditions apply only to our sites and not to the sites of any other companies or
organizations, including those to which any of the sites may link. We are not responsible for the
availability of any other site to which any of the site’s links. We do not endorse or take responsibility for the data, privacy, security, systems, contents, advertising, products, or other materials made available through any other site. We are not responsible for the content of any sites which may be linked to our
sites. These links are provided for your convenience only, and you access them at your own risk.


We respect the intellectual property rights of others and require that the people who use the sites
do the same. All text, graphics, video, source code, and editorial content on sites are proprietary
to our organization. These materials are protected by U.S. copyright and, except those items
acknowledged as proprietary to others, may not be used, copied, transmitted, or reproduced in
whole or in part without the express written consent of our organization. Use of any of our text,
graphics, video, source code, and editorial content not explicitly authorized for any reason or
purpose is strictly prohibited. Unauthorized use of the text, graphics, video, source code, and
editorial content may violate trademark, copyright, civil and criminal statutes, and privacy and
publicity laws. Unless we say otherwise, you may access the materials located within the sites
only for personal use. When you download copyrighted material, you do not obtain any
ownership rights in that material. We reserve all rights under United States and international laws.

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